Antoine Läng, voice – Vera Baumann, voice – Dorothea Schürch, voice – Marina Tantanozi, flute – Angelika Sheridan, flute – Tassos Tataroglou, shakuachi – Hans Koch, clarinet – Christian Müller, clarinet – Esther Vaucher, saxophone – Christophe Berthet, saxophone – Olga Marulanda, oboe – Sandra Weiss, bassoon – Angeles Rojas, shruti box – Christoph Schiller, spinet – Ed Williams, guitar – Ivan Verda, guitar – Sébastien Pittet, double bass – Vincent Ruiz, double bass – Brice Catherin, cello – Anna-Kaisa Meklin, viola da gamba – Léa Moullet, violon – Martin von Allmen, violin, percussion – Cyril Bondi, percussion – Romane Bouffioux, percussion – Luc Müller, percussion – dâincise, electronic – Raphaël Ortis, electronic – Eric Ruffing, electronic – Lucien Danzeisen, electronic
Exhaustion / Proliferation on bandcamp
Urs Leimgruber soprano saxophone
Duo with
Joëlle Léandre double basse
Magda Mayas clavinet
Dorothea Schürch voice, singing saw
AIR Vol.2 on Creative Works Records
Christophe Berthet (soprano saxophone) - Cyril Bondi (percussion) - Dorothea Schürch (composition, conducting) - Raphaël Ortis (laptop) - Rodolphe Loubatière (percussion) - Violeta Motta (traverso)
Animal musical
Alexandra Bellon (percussion) - Anna-Kaisa Meklin (viola da gamba) - Anouck Genthon (violin) - Brice Catherin (cello) - Bruno Crochet (laptop) - Christoph Schiller (spinet, objects) - Christophe Berthet (soprano saxophone) - Cyril Bondi (percussion) - d'incise (laptop, harmonium) - Dorothea Schürch (voice) - Eric Ruffing (analog synthetiser) - Hans Koch (clarinet) - Ivan Verda (guitar) - Jamasp Jhabvala (violin) - Lucien Danzeisen (objects) - Marei Seuthe (cello) - Maxime Hänsenberger (percussion) - Patricia Bosshard (violin) - Raphaël Ortis (laptop) - Regula Gerber (double bass) - Rodolphe Loubatière (percussion) - Sandra Weiss (bassoon) - Sébastien Branche (tenor saxophone) - Steve Buchanan (alto saxophone) - Teresa Hackel (recorders) - Vincent Ruiz (double bass) - Vinz Vonlanthen (guitar) - Violeta Motta (traverso)
Als alle Vögel sangen mein Sehnen und Verlangen
Alexandra Bellon (percussion) - Anna-Kaisa Meklin (viola da gamba) - Anouck Genthon (violin) - Brice Catherin (cello) - Bruno Crochet (laptop) - Christoph Schiller (spinet, objects) - Christophe Berthet (soprano saxophone) - Cyril Bondi (percussion) - d'incise (laptop, harmonium) - Dorothea Schürch (voice) - Eric Ruffing (analog synthetiser) - Hans Koch (clarinet) - Ivan Verda (guitar) - Jamasp Jhabvala (violin) - Lucien Danzeisen (objects) - Marei Seuthe (cello) - Maxime Hänsenberger (percussion) - Patricia Bosshard (violin) - Raphaël Ortis (laptop) - Regula Gerber (double bass) - Rodolphe Loubatière (percussion) - Sandra Weiss (bassoon) - Sébastien Branche (tenor saxophone) - Steve Buchanan (alto saxophone) - Teresa Hackel (recorders) - Vincent Ruiz (double bass) - Vinz Vonlanthen (guitar) - Violeta Motta (traverso)
Achilles, Socrates, Diotima (The Poem of Names, No.2)
Beatrice Graf, Teresa Hackel, Patricia Bosshard, Thomas Peter, Jacques Demierre, Cyril Bondi, Sébastien Branche, Heike Fiedler, Erik Ruffing, Daniel Tyrrell, Lea Danzeisen, Rodolphe Loubatière, Christophe Berthet, Bruno Crochet, Regula Gerber, Antoine Läng, Gregor Vidic, Simon Bolay, Christoph Schiller, Luc Müller, Dorothea Schürch, Thierry Simonot, Bertrand Gauguet, d'incise, Vinz Vonlanthen, Coralie Lonfat, Jamasp Jhabvala, Christian Müller & Filippo Provenzale.
Jacques Demierre piano
Urs Leimgruber sax
Okkyung Lee cello
Thomas Lehn analogue sythesizer
Dorothea Schürch voice and singing saw
Roger Turner drums and percussion
Antoine Läng (voice) - Bertrand Gauguet (saxophone) - Brice Catherin (cello) - Bruno Crochet (electronics) - Christian Müller (clarinet) - Christoph Schiller (spinett) - Christophe Berthet (saxophone) - Coralie Lonfat (laptop) - Cyril Bondi (percussions) - d'incise (electronics, objects) - Daniel Tyrrel (guitare) - Dorothea Schürch (voice, saw) - Dragos Tara (doublebass) - Eric Ruffing (electronics) - Gérald Perera (doublebass) - Gérald Zbinden (guitare) - Gregor Vidic (saxophone) - Hans Koch (bassclarinet) - Heike Fiedler (voice) - Jacques Demierre (piano) - Jamasp Jhabvala (violon) - Loïc Grobéty (bass, objects) - Luc Müller (percussions) - Marc Jufer (saxophone) - Marie Schwab (violon) - Otto Von Rhinau (electronics) - Patricia Bosshard (violon) - Regula Gerber (doublebass) - Rodolphe Loubati&eagrave;re (percussions) - Sébastien Branche (saxophone) - Steve Buchanan (saxophone) - Teresa Hackel (flutes) - Thomas Peter (laptop) - Vinz Vonlanthen (guitare) - Wanda Obertova (voiice) - Yann Leguay (electronics)
Jacques Demierre piano
Urs Leimgruber sax
Okkyung Lee cello
Thomas Lehn analogue sythesizer
Dorothea Schürch voice and singing saw
Roger Turner drums and percussion → Presse
Mit der Brandnummer wird jede einzelne von mir herausgegebene CD erfasst: die eigens dafür zusammengestellte Musik, Datum, Anlass oder AdressatIn der CD. Es ist sowohl Improvisation, Konkrete- und auch SprachMusik zu hören.
Die detaillierten Angaben zu den CDs finden Eingang in das Brandarchiv im Schauwerks der Kantonsbibliothek Trogen, AR.
Thomas Lehn Analogsythesizer, Dorothea Schürch Stimme
Eine 4-spurige elektro-akustische Bespielung des unterirdischen Kanalsystems der Stadt Zürich im Rahmen des 107.Tonkünstlerfests des Schweizerischen Tonkünstlervereins STV 10.-15.Juli 2007
Dorothea Schürch, Cornelia Cottiati, Jörg Köppl
Organ II Kirchgasse 6.mp3
l: Kanaltrack r: Kanalantwort
Hans-Peter Frehner flute
Manfred Spitaler clarinet
Victor Müller piano
Lorenz Haas Percussion
Urs Bumbacher violin
Nicola Romanò cello
Dorothea Schürch und Daniel Mouthon voice
Hat(now)Art 169
John Butcher tenor-, sopransaxophone
Roger Turner percussion
John Russell guitar
Thomas Lehn analogsythesizer
Dorothea Schürch voice
Günter Christmann cello
edition explico 2007
Vario44 tutti8.mp3
Concept for ORCHESTRA
Marianne Schuppe voice left
Dorothea Schürch voice right
Carlos Baumann trumpet
Paul Hubweber trombone
Carl Ludwig Hübsch tuba
Markus Eichenberger extended saxophones, concept
Dirk Marwedel extended saxophones
Helmut Bieler-Wendt violin
Charlotte Hug viol
Peter K Frey, Daniel Studer double bass
Frank Rühl electric guitar
Ivano Torre,percussion
published by EMANEM 4084
Chanteurs à Voix
Ben Jeger Akkordeon
Christoph Gantert Tuba und Trompete
Dorothea Schürch Singen und singende Säge
Chanteurs à Voix, Gente di Mare.mp3
Hermann Bühler as
Dorothea Schürch voc
Bonnie Barnett voc
Rajesh Mehta tp
Christof Steiner vcl
Ljubo Majstorovic b
Denis Aebli dr
CD DEA 4759 2003
screen 1 - 13
Dorothea Schürch voice, saw
Urs Leimgruber saxophone
Zeena Parkins harp, electro harp
Alexander Frangenheim doublebass
Otomo Yoshihide turn table, cd player, guitar
Roger Turner percussion
Lauren Newton voice
Fredy Studer Drums, Percussion, Water-Gong, Gongs
Jin Hi Kim Komungo, Electric Komungo
Joëlle Léandre, Bass, Voice
Dorothea Schürch Voice, Singing Saw
published by FOR 4 EARS records 1034
Dorothea Schürch Stimme, Sampling
Michel Seigner Sampling, Montage
Ernst Thoma Synthesizer, Soundprocessing
published by Intakt Records (CD 046)
B. Buster, Pete Ehrnrooth, Andy Guhl, Hans Koch, Edgar Laubscher, Lawrence Butch Morris, Norbert Möslang, Daniel Mouthon, Günter Müller, Jim OÂRourke, Dorothea Schürch, Martin Schütz,Marie Schwab, Nicolas Sordet, Fredy Studer, Stephan Wittwer
Recorded live at Fabrikjazz, Zürich, Sept 29 1996
published by FOR 4 EARS records 927
Robert Dick flutes
Petia Kaufman harpsichord
Dorothea Schürch voice, musical saw
Conrad Steinmann recorders
Alfred Zimmerlin violoncello
published by UNIT RECORDS
Mathias Gloor Piano, Keyboards
Mathias Kielholz Guitars
Lucas N. Niggli Drums and Percussion
Emanuel Schnyder Bass, Tron Voice, Turntables, Noises
Felix Utzinger Electric Guitar
Michael Gassmann Trumpet
Christoph Grab Saxes
Dorothea Schürch Voice
Alfred Zimmerlin Cello
published by UNIT RECORDS UTR 4080
Dorothea Schürch voice
Robert Dick flute
Michael Moore clarinet
Frank Gratkowski bass clarinet
John Butcher soprano saxophone
Horst Grabosch trumpet
Melvyn Poore tuba
Marcio Mattos cello
Achim Kraemer drums
Georg Graewe piano
Flavours B/1-7 (06.33), Fragment 7 (05.39)
Recorded 3 October 1992 during Ruhr Jazz Festival in Bochum
Phil Minton voice
Michael Moore clarinet
Frank Gratkowski bass clarinet
Horst Grabosch trumpet
Radu Malfatti trombone
Melvyn Poore tuba
Phil Wachsmann violin
Ernst Reijseger cello
Achim Kraemer drums
Georg Graew piano
Fragment 1 (06.42), Fragment 3 (03.55), Flavours B/7-23 (14.36), Fragment 2 (00.56), Fragment 4+5 (02.38), Fragment 6 (00.46), Flavours B/23-31 (09.51),Fragment 1 and Fragment 3 recorded 29 October 1992 at BIM huis, Amsterdam, all other tracks recorded 3 November 1992 at Stadtgarten, Cologne, other recordings from the Stadtgarten date are to be found on Random Acoustics RA003
produced by Georg Graewe
selected soundscape no, 1
Andres Bosshard, Hans Anliker, Conrad Bauer, Johannes Bauer
David Gattiker, Butch Morris, Daniel Mouthon, Günter Müller
Doro Schürch, Phil Wachsmann, Jacques Widmer
recorded live on June 13.-15. 1990, Bern
published by FOR 4 EARS records